
Showing posts from January, 2010

moving on...

2009. not really the best year was alright compared to 2007. that's it. i will not make an elaborate 2009 review. i'm sure that's what everybody is doing so i'd rather not get into that. i will, however, list a few resolutions. i'll never really follow it of course. but i think it's nice that at least i made an effort . so here goes... i will drink 8 glasses of water everyday. i will blog at least once a week (yeah right). i will read books more often. i will drink vitamins. i will buy more clothes. i will use my planner for the whole year (and not just the first 2 months). i will travel my ass off. hmm can't think of anything anymore. must be due to all the FUCKING racket outside. haha. happy new year everyone!