
Showing posts from January, 2012

week 1-2: cleaning up

how can one really function when at the start of the year you already feel the blues?  i will not pretend that i am feeling oh so great.  but i will not be a bitch about it either... so here i am. first official work day was spent at home.  it was great, just chilling with my computer on my lap , trying to create mockups.  it was one hell of a task as i am still on holiday mode.  but i was able to manage.  other than a day when i just couldn't get out of bed, work week was pretty normal. so weekend finally came.  saturday, i attended an interment out of town.  it was an interesting commute.  after that, we decided to go to tagaytay.  this proved to be an even more interesting commute since it involved a long jeepney ride (alikabok sa fez galore) and the most uncomfortable van ever.  bongga sa experience.  pagdating namin dun, pumunta kami sa....STARBUCKS!  hahahaha!  i know it was ridiculous.  but we are really not familiar with any other place around tagaytay.  then we wanted t

hindi naman titigil ang mundo para lang sa isang tao.

chos! syempre kailangan ma-drama ang title. to say that 2011 was eventful would be an understatement.  if you are an avid(?) reader of this blog, you are aware that i made a point to blog weekly.  having reread some of my former entries made me feel a little warm inside as it highlighted every mundane thing i did.  i had a pretty good run, even if i only reached week 30.  i still like to believe that it served its purpose.  made me feel that each moment of my life is precious and that i should be grateful for it. i can proudly say that i started 2011 right.  i did a bit of goal setting.  i listed restaurants i wanted to try.  habits i wanted to quit/start.  it was awesome.  i was feelin the good vibes.  but the awesomeness had an expiration date.  my writing started to wane around week 22 and eventually ceased by August.   i tried to revive it but it was no use.  as mentioned, i cannot fully elaborate on the reason for the abrupt change.  i will loosely use the term 'personal