where was i?

i was supposed to blog every week, right?  whatever happened to that?  haha!

well, long story short...august was a bad month and i'd rather not talk about it.

moving on....september, not that glamorous either.

although i do have some great pictures...which i will not be sharing.  i dunno.  maybe some other time.  or some other post.

i am thinking of creating a new blog soon.  something that's more...profound?  hahaha!  not really.  i just want to reach out to a specific market.  but all that is still cooking up in my head and i don't have a lot of time lately to organize my thoughts.

umm, updates! 
  • i now have more work than i can handle.  but that's not new. 
  • i've added a lot of items in my list of "awkward moments".  that's not new either.
  • i am getting fat.  which is good.  but mostly because i am stress eating.  which is bad.
  • overall, i don't feel healthy.
  • overall, i am not exactly in a happy mood
so...hopefully, i'll get my act together soon.  will send more updates re: my so-called life and re: new blog in...a few days.  for sure, before the year ends.

ciao for now.



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